As part of the activities to strengthen the capacities of the Departmental Coordinator for Disaster Reduction -CODRED- to respond against emergencies, the first meeting to socialize about the volcanic eruption drill was hosted today. This drill will be about an eruption in the Fuego Volcano and will be held in April 2018. This activity is coordinated by CONRED, and the US Army through the exercise of the Humanitarian Allied Forces -FAHUM-.

The agenda included a point where the coordinator of the Disaster Risk Management program of the ICC German Alfaro shared about the process to accredit the CODRED, which was made in 2016 through the project “Public and Private Alliances for Disaster Risk Management in Guatemala” which was funded by the European Commission for Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection.

Also, the new Governor Guillermo Dominguez received the Departmental plan to respond against emergencies, as well as the supporting documents -hydrologic and hydraulic studies and other supporting documents that are necessary for the proper risk management. Also, a future meeting with the Decision Making Team was appointed to begin restructuring and accredit the new members of the CODRED.

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