The project, which was implemented by the Private Institute for Climate Change Research -ICC-, “Elaboration of a Technical Study, Law Initiative, RAMSAR Information Sheet, and Master plan for the Marine-Coastal Conservation Area Sipacate Naranjo”, is currently hosting workshops with the communities that are located inside the conservation area.
This initiative is part of the “Project for Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Biodiversity in the Marine-Coastal Protected Areas (APM’s)” that aims to promote and to preserve the marine-coastal ecosystems and biodiversity, and the services that are obtained from them. In addition, the project promotes the equal management and participation in the conservation efforts to improve social and economic wellness of the people.
In the last two months, the project has approached the touristic sector, COCODES and COMUDES. Several topics have been discussed with them, including conservation objects, threats, and handling guidelines from the community perspective.